Lately I've been obsessed with taking some of the wording from those popular vinyl rub-on plaques, you know the ones? Well, I've been obsessed with taking the wording of those plaques and making it a little more... interesting. Not that there's anything wrong with vinyl plaques. I even have a couple in my own house. However, I personally get bored with the same old white, cream, or black wording on a painted board. I love the sentiments. I'm a total cheese. And the humor in some of them, too, like the one in today's post. I just wish they had a little more pizazz.
Of course, I had to try and put the pep into those quotes and sayings myself. I have to say, I'm pretty excited with all the results. It's been fun, and the Grandkid design is no exception. Again, I drew all the lettering myself. I could totally see this hanging on my in-laws' wall. My son's Bubby and Zaida (Yiddish for Grandma and Grandpa) have a fun, wry sense of humor and this little saying just totally reminds me of them.
Enjoy! Hopefully I'll get it, or some rendition of it, up in my etsy shop soon. I've got so many things to put in there, and so little time! And so much Harry Potter to read before I go see the new movie!
PS it occurs to me that this design would look SO CUTE as a primitive stitchery pattern... Hmmm...
I love this! It is so much fun! Totally something I would buy for any set of grandparents in my family!