You know what I love about type posters? Well, I guess technically this isn't a type poster because it does have a teeny bit of illustration, too. Anyway, what I love about typography posters is that it's instant gratification. You don't have to spend weeks drawing and redrawing and refining. What takes me the longest is trying to find the perfect combination of fonts to achieve the look I want.
Today's poster is in honor of this little guy:

That I am even worried about my baby's teeth gives me heart palpitations as a mother. I can't believe my baby is old enough to have teeth. I can't believe he clapped his hands for me the other day. I can't believe he can crawl! Wasn't it yesterday that I was holding him in my arms just after giving birth?

I digress. As I was saying: Child. Growing. Fast.

At least he'll make it to adulthood with all his teeth, if my poster has anything to do with it.
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