Hi! I realize it's been forever since I updated! Life is crazy busy right now. I feel like I can't catch my breath sometimes between my bronchitis-stricken husband, baby's birthday and teething, preparing for the holidays, plus a couple other big projects that I'll let you in on sometime soon.
Anyway, this is a week late, but better late than never! I finally finished the pattern for the
Nativity Set! I had all these grand dreams of figuring out how to embed the file in my blog, but it turned out to be too overwhelming. I'm not really a tech genius. But, it's over at Scribd so you are welcome to it! It's my Christmas gift to you.
As a warning: This is a big project. You'll want to devote a couple days to this puppy. Maybe one day if you don't have any babies grabbing your ankles.
I've had some requests for me to make this for people. I just sold one the other day, in fact. If you'd like me to just make you a nativity set, I'm happy to do it. You can email me for prices.
OK, we need to take a look at this darling set. This is the one I sold this week:

Wise Men...


Mary and Joseph and of course Jesus...

And the angel. I should've gotten a shot of the back of her, because that's really the best part. I put stars on her back, they're very cute. It occurs to me now that I didn't say anything about them in the pattern, either. Whoops. Well, I know my readers are smart. I think they'll be able to figure it out!

So anyway, that's it! Go grab the pattern right now because I've got plans for it next year, which DON'T include giving it away! So if you procrastinate, you'll be sad next year when it's not available.
Just go get it now. You'll want to start now anyway since Christmas will be here in a trice!